Our Stories
Matthew Longden – Delivery Manager

So, you’re a delivery manager…describe what you do?
I’m an Entelect Senior Manager whose responsibility is to look after all the Entelectuals who are on our Discovery team. There are roughly 100 people working with Discovery currently.
What do you mean “look after”?
A lot of my time is spent working with our leads in each team making sure they are completing 1on1s, dealing with local issues in their team and supporting all the team members in whatever way is needed. On top of that I work with the Discovery management to help them achieve their goals and build the teams they require.
So, you’ve been around the block a bit, what would you say is the big difference between Entelect and other companies you’ve worked at?
Been around the block? Cheeky! For me it’s the respect that we show each other and the lack of politics in our company. I feel we’re very good at acknowledging our respective strengths and pooling them to deliver excellent solutions and great customer service.
You are originally from the UK, correct? Give us your favourite Afrikaans word then:
babelas, skaap tjop, braai, braaibroojies, lekker, moer, gatvol ... there’s loads!
What has been your best day at work?
I have lots of great days. The best is when I see someone realise how they have grown, when they are doing something they previously thought they couldn’t. That’s quite a buzz.
What’s something that happened that can only happen here at Entelect?
A senior manager at Discovery once mentioned he had seen Shashi here onsite and he assumed our CEO had come in for a high-powered meeting with one of his Discovery counterparts. I took great pride in correcting him because Shashi had visited us that day to check-in with some Entelectuals to see how they were. Having execs who care enough to do that is an incredible thing in my opinion.
What’s something you are most proud of?
What’s the funniest thing you’ve seen or experienced at Entelect?
More recently ... when Daniel got lost on one of our climbing club weekends and appeared, dishevelled and disorientated about 40mins later convinced he nearly died out in the bush. I’m sure it was scary for him at the time, but I don’t think he was ever more than a km away from civilisation. Its bad to laugh at another person’s discomfort but that was hilarious.
Do an impression of any of the GM’s or quote a saying from them…
“I think it’s clear that the painting is on the wall” Sheldonism in a Monday GM meeting. I think he meant to say “…writing on the wall”